Introducing Rhino Run, a range of South African wines created to fight rhino poaching through funding education and conservation.
Royal Rhino and Van Loveren Family Vineyards have pooled their resources to create the Rhino Run wine range in an effort to raise funds and awareness for rhino conservation.
Royal Rhino is a registered and audited donor towards rhino conservation. The Rhino Run wines are produced in collaboration with Van Loveren, South Africa’s largest privately owned wine producer.
The main beneficiary of Royal Rhino’s fund raising efforts is the Player Ntombela Foundation, which carries on the work of legendary rhino conservationist Dr Ian Player.
The collaborative effort to boost rhino conservation was inspired by Dr Player’s work in establishing Project Rhino to successfully lead a protection campaign that saved the Southern white rhino from complete extinction. He dedicated his career and life towards the conservation of this incredible creature, which is now under renewed threat from poachers and the illegal trade in rhino horn.