Rhino Run Wines

Saving the rhino

Get involved and help make a difference. The black and white African rhino are two of only five rhino species left, with the black rhino listed as critically endangered and the white rhino as near threatened. Since 2008, rhino poaching has increased and these gentle giants are trapped in a fight for survival. Rhinos are slaughtered for their horn, which some cultures believe has supernatural and medicinal properties. However, rhino horn does not make you younger, make you more fertile, free you from demons, or cure typhoid or the flu. It only kills rhinos.

What are the numbers?

Poached in 2013
Poached in 2014
Poached in 2015
Poached in 2016
Poached in 2017
Poached in 2018
Poached in 2019
Poached in 2020

The white rhino is the 2nd largest land mammal on earth.

Black rhinos cover themselves with very dark mud to protect themselves from sunburn.

Rhinos are generally passive and shy, with the white rhino being more passive than its counterpart, the black rhino. Only 2 or 3 rhino attacks are reported a year.

The name rhinoceros means ‘nose horn’ and is often shortened to rhino.